in d morning we had jamuan muhibah in scool. it was fun n at d enddin time think we were really crazy lor. still go on stage n sing when every1 is leave liao n no mic. juz gila lah. but it was fun. haha... but sad lah coz chong meng got rob n cant hav fun wit us. luckily he is not vry hurt juz 1 stich. =) but at nite time i think i'm d 1 who is gila lah. i when n pick jia yi up from her house 2 stay ta my place at 10pm. i dont know wat i was thinkin, it was so last min. i was comin bak from church n decide 2 go fetch jia yi 2 stay at my place since my parents not in. crazy crazy..
then sun
this day started not so crazy, juz me n jia yi play pranks on khe heong usin msn. it was funny. too long 2 write. then when khe heong came over we when n eat mcd ( jia yi made me go, i was lazy) anyway after mcd we came home 2 my place n waited 4 d others 2 come. after irene, zhen yi n kim came, we set out 2 my church 4 LOUD. tat was d hardest drive 4 me, i had 2 laugh n drive at d same time wit 4 other vry noisy ppl in d car. i think d car should hav been shakin. haha.. at LOUD we took lots of pics.
1st we hav our names signed on d graffiti bored... had a pic in front on it but ter-deleted it. haiz..
ss-ing sessions...
ya its d bubble tea advertisments.. but look at d last 1, d 3 at d bak doin a good jod advertisin but d 2 in front is... haiz dont look like they wan d bubble tea...
blowin tunder sticks.. its so fun, its like pillows.. haha
cant u juz feel d atmosphere there.. its so high.. i hav no idea how they can take a pic in d middle of d concert..anyway..
more group pics..
d mom ( played by me) is not happy with d 2 couples...a pic tat tells a story - taken by jia yi. then d next pic, we r laughin bout it...haha
here u see d aunty havin a hard time choosin n d next pic d vry responsible sales person (me) doin her job... for real.
after LOUD they wanted 2 eat, so we when 2 ss2 prince 2 eat.
right pic - in car on d way 2 ss2, ya poor driver n front sit person dont get 2 b in d pic. haiz.. left pic - makin order in prince cafe.
there while waittin 4 d food we had d game of stackin blocks which d losser had 2 get a persons number ( which in d end we juz change it 2 get some1 help us tat a pic) n d losser is...
look at her stressed face. haha..
then she found d 'di di' waiter 2 take a pic. which starts our 2nd bat. tat is d losser has 2 ask d 'di di' waiter 2 take a pic wit us. haha crazy. n d end khe heong loss n jia yi shouted when she loss, which made d hold shop quiet 4 1 second n every1 was lookin at us. haiz.. so so so malu. haha. anyway d 'di di' waiter didnt wan take pic wit us but we still was able 2 take a pic of him which was not easy. haiz, he must b thinkin we r crazy..
tats d pic d 'di di' took 4 us n him ( actually he quite cute lah )
after comin bak, i was like so tired.. but after my bath while waitin 4 our hair 2 dry we chat n take pic again coz no sleepover is complete with out prove we slept. hehe...
then irene say she is hungry. so they decided 2 cook maggie.
seach my frige n found a cabbage, so tat goes in.
n tats d end result. it was yummy. hehe..
look at d time we were eatin.. its 2.18am! n kim n irene there clearin up d pot.
after tat irene hits my biscuit n sweet jar. haiz...
next day mon
we made apple pie..
jia yi n kim cuttin d apples..
c this pic, know y i'm not in it? coz they left me hard at work. haiz..
we made 2 pies, n ya d ugly 1 on d right is done by me, d other is by kim. n its wit our names on it. hehe..
hard core sales doin their job. =D
n tats it 4 my super crazy week end. i had so much fun but was so tired after tat. it was juz crazy. thank you all my frenz 4 comin n puttin up wit me. really hope we can do it again some day...
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