Sunday, July 5, 2009

Eating at tenji!!!!

haha so happy we when 2 tenji 2 eat coz ar got promotion n it was holiday 4 us on monday... yeah yeah so happy... but ar i was sick so didnt really eat a lot... haiz n now i still thinkin bout d food there even its already 2 weeks... anyway here's some pics...

1. see they waitin outside tenji...
2. payin money... takin sometime coz i juz cant count properly tat day.. at least i brough a calculator.. hehe

as u can see they gave us a long long table coz there were 20 of us =)


some group pics... we actually have so much more...

1. is jeya goin in d girls toilet or out... u decide 4 urself lah...
2. d bottles cant be moved but i think we did a good job actin =)

our official group photo....

n how could we stop at juz leavin tenji... we even played around in d car park =)

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