here's pictures of d place b4 paintin. see d water marks on d wall near d window? we had 2 scrap it then fill up d holes in d room (there were lots of little holes everywhere) after fillind up d holes in d 4 rooms we had 2 sandpaper it then clean it b4 we can start paintin d base colour. at lease we had 6 ppl on d 1st day (me, jia yi, kim, ah choi, jia yi cousin n wai kit who came late coz no transport)
n this is how it looks after d base paint but this pic is taken when d paint is not fully dry, so looks a bit uneven. but when it dry it looked really great =)
c those crazy ppl playin wit paint (actually they r mixin d paint wit their hands, yuck)
on d 2nd day, we started work wit 4 ppl (me, jia yi, kim, ah choi, wai kit came later)
we started by stickin maskin tape on d wall n daddy repaintin some parts tat were not even.
n how can we forget, d ss person who mixing d colours (but she really good at it, u will agree when u see d result)
after tape goes on we start paintin. n also d other rooms but there isnt any pic coz we were to busy then.
anyway after many hours of paintin d paint finally dries n we can re view it =D
this, is rubbish...
n this is art wit rubbish ;)
o b4 seein our master piece, i must tell u tat we were so 'cham' coz we didnt hav enough maskin tape we had 2 recycle d tape, c d pic wit maskin tape on d wall we were actually waitin 4 it 2 dry n reuse it. haiz...
anyway here is wat u all wan 2 c, our sweat n blood, our hours lost, our creativity....
i like d 2 on d top beat but d other 2 is not bad too its juz d lightin in those 2 room sucks so it does not look as nice...
1st pic, wai kit, jia yi, n ah choi, workin 2gether 2 get d room done
2nd pic, all d different different colours we used
after seein this i think we hv such a bright future, we can b painters as our second job. haha... (not tat i wan 2, but juz in case =D )
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